Strengthen your company's e-commerce with the design of our online stores, with the integration of online payment methods
Our experience has given us positive results in the creation of online stores, to the point that some of our clients have surpassed the threshold of 2 million dollars in sales.

Start your Project
Virtual Store Plans

Virtual Store Plans



We are experts

in digital solutions

Find with us all the digital solutions in one place, hosting, domain, websites, APPS, digital strategies, whatever your business needs to stand out online.


The best way to expand and strengthen your sales is through virtual stores. That way, you can showcase your portfolio in detail and provide customers with various payment options!

The best way to expand and strengthen your sales is through virtual stores. That way, you can showcase your portfolio in detail and provide customers with various payment options!

No geographical limit

No geographical limit

You can have your own e-commerce. You will be able to get new leads worldwide

You can have your own e-commerce. You will be able to get new leads worldwide 

New Customers

New Customers

You will be able to get new customers and grow your market segment

You will be able to get new customers and grow your market segment

Search engine visibility

Search engine visibility

We care about your SEO positioning, that's why at Imagina work diligently to ensure that your company is within the search engines

We care about your SEO positioning, that's why at Imagina work diligently to ensure that your company is within the search engines

Cost reduction

Cost reduction

You can save capital on expenses that bind us when we have a physical store, but with a virtual store, you don't have to worry about such trivialities

You can save capital on expenses that bind us when we have a physical store, but with a virtual store, you don't have to worry about such trivialities

Expand your portfolio

Expand your portfolio

With your online store, you can control your entire inventory, manage your offers or discount coupons, create technical sheets with your product specifications, and much more. What are you waiting for to become more competitive?

With your online store, you can control your entire inventory, manage your offers or discount coupons, create technical sheets with your product specifications, and much more. What are you waiting for to become more competitive?

24 hour service

24 hour service

The rewarding aspect of digitalization is that we can be connected at any hour, any day. Thus, your own business can be selling 24/7

The rewarding aspect of digitalization is that we can be connected at any hour, any day. Thus, your own business can be selling 24/7

Payment methods

Payment methods

You have the advantage of making your payments in cash, with a debit or credit card, online payments, bank transfer, international money orders, or at any of the physical offices of Efecty or Baloto in the country.

Warranty and Support

Warranty and Support

Every digital communication channel is unique in its format and interaction methods, necessitating diverse and tailored content optimized for the web's tools.


Potencia tu negocio


Our Work and Be Amazed!


Frequent Questions

1. Hosting iPanel:

  • Certificado SSL Gratuito: Para todos tus dominios y subdominios, garantizando una conexión segura.
  • Firewall de Aplicaciones con ModSecurity: Protección robusta contra ataques a tus aplicaciones web.
  • Escaner de Malware Permanente: Vigilancia continua para detectar y eliminar malware.
  • CDN Gratuito como Proxy de Seguridad: Mejora la velocidad y añade una capa de seguridad.
  • Bloqueo de Acceso FTP: Acceso restringido a FTP, activado solo cuando es necesario.
  • Backups Automatizados: Capacidad de restaurar tu sitio web hasta 30 días atrás.

2. Hosting cPanel:

  • Sistema Cloudlinux: Divide los procesos de usuarios para mayor seguridad y estabilidad.
  • Certificado SSL Gratuito: Para todos tus dominios y subdominios.
  • Firewall de Aplicaciones con Immunify360: Escaneo de malware permanente para una defensa integral.
  • CDN Opcional con Cloudflare: Ofrece un proxy adicional de seguridad y mejora el rendimiento.
  • Bloqueo de Acceso FTP: Seguridad reforzada para el acceso FTP.
  • Backups Automatizados: Varían según el plan, incluyendo copias diarias, semanales y mensuales.

3. Servidores VPS y Dedicados:

  • Seguridad Personalizable: Opción de comprar licencias adicionales como Immunify360 o Jetbackup.
  • Firewall CSF/LFD: Activación sin costo adicional para una protección efectiva.
  • Backups Personalizados: La frecuencia y el alcance dependen del plan de copias de seguridad elegido.

Servicios Adicionales:

  • SiteLock: Un escáner externo potente para una seguridad adicional.

En Imagina, nos comprometemos a proporcionar la más alta seguridad en nuestros servicios de hosting. Entendemos la importancia de proteger tu sitio web y tus datos, y ofrecemos un rango de opciones para asegurar que tu presencia en línea sea segura y confiable. Con nuestras soluciones de seguridad avanzadas, puedes concentrarte en crecer tu negocio, sabiendo que tu sitio web está protegido contra amenazas en línea.