All-in-one streaming
From a single control panel you can manage each of your streaming services without any inconvenience, compatible with Shoutcast 198 and 2, Icecast 2 and Kh, Wowza Streaming Engine &Amp; flussonic Media Server.
Sabías que ya no necesitas de costosas maquinas para tener tu propia radio?
No hay nada más ventajoso que ser original en la web y más cuando tienes una excelente página virtual, por eso, saca el mayor provecho a tu streaming audio, para que tu contenido sea tan diverso y atractivo hacia tu audiencia.
MediaCP has an automatic installation of Apache/php/MySQUL that runs independently of existing services.
MediaCP has an automatic installation of Apache/php/MySQUL that runs independently of existing services.
Have a detailed report on traffic, type of audience, content visited, sessions and much more for the last 24 hours, 7 days, 14 days or the entire month, with the help of google maps, bitrate, bandwidth and Time Map Real.
Improve and enhance your target with the shoutcast statistical reports, so you will know which audios are played with Meta-Data
There is nothing more pleasant than having control of everything, and what do you expect with the autodj? This option will allow you to schedule all your content in your playlists at the time and day you want.
Install your HTML5 player in two steps so that your audience has multiple options to listen to all the content on your website.
Our hosting plans for audio streaming with Shoutcast V1 and V2 support, integrated with the MediaCP control panel will allow you to have a detailed verification of each of your users and/or listeners.
From a single control panel you can manage each of your streaming services without any inconvenience, compatible with Shoutcast 198 and 2, Icecast 2 and Kh, Wowza Streaming Engine &Amp; flussonic Media Server.
Apart from being able to control the schedule of your online station, you have the advantage of acquiring support for Shoutcast Transcoder v1, Shoutcast Transcoder V2, ICES 0.4, ICES 2.0. Use our HTML5 AutoDJ interface with HTML5 Uploader or FTP support.
It is the opportunity for you to personalize your own home page in order to strengthen the corporate image of your online station. There you can configure your services so that it is a 100% public station.
To further segment your audience, the geographic block is perfect for you. You will be able to specify who can listen to your online content from an exact geographical position. This is thanks to the support for Shoutcast 2, Icecast 2 and Icecast 2 KH in addition to Shoutcast 198.
Allow yourself to quickly and efficiently create general rotation of scheduled playlists, starting with our new HTML5 drag and drop builder.
Specify each of your advanced configuration options to implement the WHMCS integrated billing module. With this one you will have the advantage of tracking the bandwidth and implementation of your data usage.